One Service at 10:00a on January 1.

Eternal Life

Aug 7, 2022    Brett Wendle

Sermon Application Questions:

1. If you are a Christian, what effect does it have on you to reflect on the reality that God chose you for eternal life and gave you to Jesus (v. 2)?

2. In what ways are you tempted to make eternal life a result of your own works, rather than a free gift? What are you tempted to feel like you must do in order to be confident you have eternal life? How are you helped by being reminded that Jesus purchased it for you through his death?

3. When you think about eternal life, is what you most treasure and anticipate knowing God (v. 3)? Why or why not? Since for Christians eternal life has already begun, how can you seek to know God better now?

Music and Lyrics Used by Permission CCLI# 1595532