One Service at 10:00a on January 1.

Read & enjoy 2021

a commitment to know god by reading his word

We believe one of the best ways to get to know God and enjoy Him is by spending time with Him in His Word. We're excited to commit to reading God's Word together and eager to be on this journey as a church for 2021!

How Do I enjoy god by reading his word?

ordinary reading brings change over time

Bible reading is a discipline, with benefits that increase over time. Some days, you sit down, read the Bible, and walk away with your mind blown! It can be so great. But most days, things feel pretty ordinary. Keep pressing in on the ordinary days. Like most good disciplines (e.g., eating healthy, working out, brushing your teeth), you may see marginal impact in the moment but seismic changes over time. Keep reading, ask God to help you, and after a few weeks and or months, you'll be surprised at how much you enjoy God.

meditating on scripture has a heart effect

Meditate on one verse, maybe just a few words. It's good to read chapters of Scripture at a time, but our minds can't possibly take it all in. So, each time you read, find at least one verse that you can meditate on. For example, Psalm 17:15 says "...when I awake, I shall be satisfied with your likeness." That verse could be a prayer you use throughout your week as you ask God to help you be satisfied in Him alone, even when you're tired and distracted. 

god's people are there to encourage you

Share what you're reading with others. Take advantage of conversations at home with your family, in your Gospel Community or on Sunday morning. If you're still looking for someone to connect with, reach out to Pastor Josh Mathews

themes to watch for in leviticus & hebrews

Watch this helpful video from our good friend Jared Compton. These books may feel a bit intimidating and perhaps even dry. But, just like every part of the Bible, there are depths of goodness to be mined! 

book of leviticus

February 7, 2021
Dark Shadows of Bright Realities

Mike Bullmore

book of Numbers

February 14, 2021
Rebellion, Judgment, and Faithfulness in the Wilderness

Brett Wendle

book of Deuteronomy

February 14, 2021
God's Grace on the Brink of the Promised Land

Josh Mathews

one-page overviews



What plan are we using?

We’ve borrowed the plan with permission from It’s a 5 day weekly schedule that takes you through the Bible chronologically. You can either choose option 1 , which takes you through the entire Bible in one year, or option 2, which covers the entire New Testament and Psalms. 

What should i do if I get behind?

You could aim to read 7 days a week instead of the planned 5 days, or you could carve out some non-traditional time to read a bigger section of Scripture, perhaps on a lunch break or in the evening when you'd typically watch a show. But if you're several weeks behind and don't foresee having time to catch up, simply skip a book and catch right back up with the plan. Don't scrap Read & Enjoy completely. Keep going!

what should i do with boring parts of the bible?

Some parts of the Bible seem really exciting, while others feel boring with unnecessary detail. There's purpose for all of God's Word, it just might take some digging to see. Before you dive into your daily reading, pray that God would open your eyes to make connections and discover more about God.