When Dreams Come True
Discussion Questions:
Sermon Overview:
This past week’s sermon was highlighted three reasons why we can be filled with wonder:
(1) God’s miraculous power
(2) God’s Coming Justice and
(3) God’s Committed love for his people
Digging Deeper:
God miraculously used Mary, an ordinary person, to be a part of his grand plan to send his son into the world. How does God’s work, often through ordinary people, help you consider the meaning of your own life?
Read Luke 1:46-55.
What sticks out for you about Mary’s response to God’s plan for her?
God’s mercy is not dependent on what you can bring to the table. What is it dependent on (see Luke 1:50 for guidance)? How does this reality effect how you think about God?
Jesus coming into the world is another example of God following through on promises he’s made (see Isaiah 7:14 or Micah 5:2). Are there promises God has made that you are waiting for him to fulfill?
Is there someone in your life that hasn’t heard the good news of Jesus that you’d want to share it with this Christmas season? If so, share about it.
How can we, as a community, be thrilled by Jesus this Christmas season?
What about the Christmas season can distract you/us from being thrilled by Jesus?
Take It Home:
What is one thing you want to take away, remember, do, or change in light of this week’s sermon and discussion?
Prayer Requests:
Music and Lyrics Used by Permission CCLI# 1595532