One Service at 10:00a on January 1.

Saved from Sin to Serve God

Dec 15, 2024    Brett Wendle

Discussion Questions

Sermon Overview 

Praise and await our God who saves us from sin to serve him.

1. The Story: John's unusual birth prompts a question: What will he be? (vv. 57-66)

2. The song: John prepares for God's saving King. (vv. 67-80)

A. God saves us to serve him (vv. 67-75)

1. He has raised up a saving King (vv. 68-69)

2. He will save us from our enemies (vv. 70-73)

3. He will save us so we can serve him (vv. 74-75)

B. God saves from sin (vv. 76-80)

1. As prophet, John will show our need for salvation from sin (vv. 76-77)

2. A provision has been made because of God's tender mercy (v. 78)

3. This provision gives permanent hope (v. 79)

Digging Deeper    

Read Luke 1:57-80

1. The Story: John's unusual birth prompts a question: What will he be? (vv. 57-66)

Verses 57-66 describe some relatively normal events for that time and place (the birth of a child, the child is given a name, and the (male) child is circumcised). And yet, amid these relatively mundane events, it is clear that God is present and actively at work. In what ways do we see the Lord at work in verses 57-66? How do the people respond? 

Read Luke 1:64. What happens in verse 64 needs to be read in the context of Luke 1:18-20 (please read Lk. 1:18-20).  What the angel Gabriel said would happen did happen.  Why do you think it is important for us to see this? 

2. The song: John prepares for God's saving King. (vv. 67-80)

A. God saves us to serve him (vv. 67-75)

1. He has raised up a saving King (vv. 68-69)

2. He will save us from our enemies (vv. 70-73)

3. He will save us so we can serve him (vv. 74-75)

In v. 68 Zechariah says God has “visited and redeemed his people.” How does what Luke has narrated thus far into his gospel show this to be true? How is this true to an even greater extent for us? 

In v. 69 Zechariah says that God has raised up “a horn of salvation for us in the house of his servant David” (v.68)? What (or who) is meant by this? (Lk. 1:27 helps us). 

What sort of expectations did the people have for the long-awaited Messiah from the line of David (cf. v. 71)?  In what sense did he do what they hoped / expected he would? In what sense did he not?  

In what sense has Christ saved us from our enemies? (v. 71 & 74)  How can we cultivate a greater sense of wonder and amazement that, in his mercy, God has delivered us from our enemies? 

God saves us to serve him (cf. v. 74).  What does it mean to serve God?  What does that look like for you? 

B. God saves from sin (vv. 76-80)

1. As prophet, John will show our need for salvation from sin (vv. 76-77)

2. A provision has been made because of God's tender mercy (v. 78)

3. This provision gives permanent hope (v. 79)

There are many people today who feel no need for rescue or deliverance. In what way is being shown your need for salvation from sin a mercy?  

What did God use in your life when he, for the first time, made you aware of your need for deliverance from sin and its consequences?  

Because of his tender mercy, God has made provision for us to be forgiven of our sins (vv. 77b-78a). Is there a particular sin(s) for which you are especially thankful to God that he has forgiven?  When was the last time you thanked him for his forgiveness of that sin(s)?  


Was there a specific truth from this passage (and/or the sermon on it), that you found particularly encouraging?  Who could you share that truth with this week?
