For Nothing Will be Impossible with God
Discussion Questions
Sermon Overview
God always accomplishes his purposes even when they seem impossible to us.
1. Humble Virgin Birth (vs 26-27 & 34-35)
2. Forever King (vs 32)
3. Jesus, the Son of God (vs. 35)
Digging Deeper
Read Luke 1:26-38
In the passage today, Mary is promised a son named Jesus. Last week, Elizabeth was promised a son named John (Luke 1:5-25). How is Mary’s trust in God heightened when read in light of Zeheriah’s failure to trust God?
In each story, a son is promised. How is Jesus’ supremacy over John highlighted in the text?
God always accomplishes his purposes even when they seem impossible to us.
1. This passage reminds us that our God always accomplishes his purposes. How has this truth brought comfort and/or courage to you?
2. Is there an example in your life of God accomplishing that which seemed impossible? Please share.
Humble Virgin Birth (vs 26-27 & 34-35)
1. This passage contains echoes of Isaiah 7:10-17. There the prophet Isaiah foretold, “Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.” (Is. 7:14). How does Jesus’ birth bring to fulfillment what Isaiah had foretold hundreds of years earlier? What is a takeaway for us in this?
2. Theologically, what is the significance of the virgin birth of Christ? Why is it important that we hold fast to this teaching?
3. “And the angel answered her, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; therefore the child to be born will be called holy—the Son of God.” (Luke 1:35) What is the significance of the “therefore” in v. 35? How does the nature of Jesus’ birth make him uniquely fit to be our Redeemer?
Forever King (vs 32)
1. Please read 2 Sam. 7:12-17. Then read Luke 1:32-33. Why do you think God (through Luke) wants us to know that Jesus is the long-awaited offspring of David, who will reign forever? (cf. 2 Sam. 7:12-17)
Mary’s response to all that is spoken to her (“Behold, I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word.” [v.38]), is an example of humble trust and submission. In what area of your life do you need to ask God for the grace to respond in a similar way? Please share.
Is there someone in your life with whom you could share the Good News about Jesus this Christmas season?