One Service at 10:00a on January 1.

The Greatness of the Everlasting God

Jul 28, 2024    Steve Moore

Discussion Questions

Sermon Overview:

1. Because God is the Everlasting God, we should turn to Him for refuge in our human weakness, sin, and troubles.

2. God is Eternal: We turn to him because he's eternal, and we are not. 

God gives Widsom Because as we see our sin and the troubles of a fallen world, we need wisdom from him. 

3. God is abundant in Mercy: And because in him is found an abundance of mercy to fill our days.

Digging Deeper:    

Read Psalm 90

1. What kinds of things quickly change our moods and emotions? What does this tell us about ourselves?

2. Why is it good news that God is perfect and the same from everlasting to everlasting?

3. Reflect on the past weeks. Why is it important to constantly remind ourselves of God's greatness, perfection, and vastness regardless of our circumstances? How can we apply this?

4. In what ways do we sometimes act or think as if we have unlimited time in this life?

​​5. What does vv 1-4 teach us about the relationship between God's eternity and human time-bound existence?

6. In verse 12,  Moses says, “teach us to number our days.” Why is this important? How can we count our days and be much more thoughtful of our time? 

a. Family: Why do you think God wants us to appreciate the time we have together as a family? 

b. Gospel Community: Why do you think God wants us to appreciate the time we have with our church family? 

7. Read v. 8 “You have set our iniquities before you, our secret sins in the light of your presence.” How are we tempted to hide ourselves before God? How does this verse inform the way we should relate to our sins before God?

8. Last Sunday, we sang 'I Will Wait For You'. Can you share a current challenge in your life where you're finding it hard to wait and trust God?

9. How can you cultivate an attitude of thankfulness, even in difficult times?

10. Share something for which you want to thank God.
