One Service at 10:00a on January 1.

The Devoted Son

Jan 5, 2025    Brett Wendle

Discussion Questions

Sermon Overview 

Trust in God's Son, who is devoted to seeking and sharing God's presence and wisdom.

Digging Deeper  

Read Luke 2:41-52

1. Jesus is devoted to seeking God’s presence and wisdom. Where do we see evidence for this in this passage (2:41-52)? Why should we be thankful for this? 

2. In this passage, we see that, even at a young age, Jesus has a deep self-understanding that he is the Son of God. How did Jesus’ self-understanding dictate his priorities? What might it look like for us to follow his example in this? 


3. Jesus’ identity as God’s Son is confirmed by the wisdom and understanding he possesses (even at a young age). Please read Isaiah 11:1-3. In what ways does our passage (Lk 2:41-52) help us see that Jesus is the Spirit-anointed Messiah long-foretold by Isaiah? What is the takeaway from this for us? 

4. The one who seeks God’s presence (Jesus), is the same one who shares God’s presence with us, his people. As the true temple (cf. Jn. 2:19), Jesus is the way his people can dwell with God. What are some implications of this truth for us? 

5. The one who seeks God’s wisdom (Jesus), is the same one who shares God’s wisdom with us, his people. In what ways has Jesus revealed to you the wisdom of God? 

6. Have you ever taken Jesus for granted that you’ve forgotten about him? What is/was that like?

7. What would it look like to live your life more mindful of Jesus?


8. In what area of your life do you most keenly feel your need for God’s wisdom? 


9. With whom in your life might you want to look for an opportunity to speak of the wisdom of God available to us through Christ?  
