The Life-Giving King
Discussion Questions
Week of: March 24 , 2024 // Sermon Text: John 12:12-36a
Sermon Overview:
The main idea of this week’s sermon was: Jesus is the King who gives eternal life through his
Digging Deeper:
Read John 12:12-36a
1. So much of the crowd's excitement in John 12:12-13 is based on a prophecy many of
them would have been aware of in Zechariah 9:9-17. Read the prophecy and
describe why the crowds would be so excited. What did they think Jesus was going
to do?
2. How did Jesus’ intentional choice to enter the city not on a war-horse, but on a
donkey, not only fulfill Zechariah 9:9 but also reveal what sort of King he is, and
what sort of King he isn’t?
3. Compare and contrast the mood of the crowds, just a few days later, in John
19:14-16. Why the sudden and drastic change?
4. How does John 12:24 description about a grain of wheat illustrate what Jesus
came to accomplish with his life? And how does it illustrate what must happen
in the lives of all who follow Jesus?1
5. According to John 12:25, what does it mean for someone to lose their life if they
love it? Another way to think of loving your life, according to John 12:25, is being god of
your own life. In what ways are you pulled to being the god of your own life?
6. Another way to think of hating your life, according to John 12:25, is letting go of
being god yourself and allowing God to be in charge. Why is it better to let God
be in charge? Why is this hard to do?
7. Have you ever made a commitment to surrender your life to Jesus (i.e., “hate
your life”) and receive eternal life? If not, why not? If so, why so?
8. Who in your life are you desperate to hear this good news in hopes of them
being transformed? Pray for them this week.