"Pray Like This" - Part 1
Sermon Application Questions:
1. How would you describe your prayer life? Vibrant? Sporadic? Plodding, with occasional moments of sweet communion with God? Non-existent?
2. Do you feel you have fully grasped the reality of God as your Father? What associations are stirred up in you by the word “father”? What does Jesus (and the rest of Scripture) want to be stirred up in you by the word “father”? (You may want to read passages like Psalm 103:1-14; Matthew 7:7-11; Ephesians 3:14-21 to help you.) Do you ever feel a danger in over-emphasizing God as father and under-emphasizing his sovereignty and holiness?
3. What is the most challenging area of your life for you to pray, “your will be done”? Think of how Jesus prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane. How might that help you to pray that prayer in the difficult circumstances of your life?
Music and Lyrics Used by Permission CCLI# 1595532