One Service at 10:00a on January 1.

discipleship training

Discipleship Training is a unique context to make the Bible and key topics accessible to everyone. Through classes, forums and intensives, Discipleship Training partners with you to trust, live-out, speak and share the gospel and help others do the same.

upcoming class

Vision & Values

2 Sessions 
March 4 & 5
Friday 6:30p-9:00p | Saturday 9:00a-11:30a
Pastors Mike Bullmore, Bill Nye, Steve Handler & Josh Mathews
In Person Only
Vision and Values is a two-session class that explores why we exist as a church, what we're guided by, and what we do week in and week out. If you're considering membership, attendance at both sessions is required. If you're simply wanting to get to know more about Crossway, this is a perfect class to attend. 

upcoming class

How to Study the GOSPELS: Matthew

6 Sessions 
March 9, 16, 23, 30
April 6, 13
Wednesdays | 6:30p-8:00p 
Pastor Brett Wendle
In Person Only
The four Gospels are among our greatest treasures: accounts of the life, death, and resurrection of God become man to save us. This class will survey how each Gospel reveals the beauty of Jesus, take a deep dive into Matthew’s Gospel, and equip you with tools you can use in understanding and applying the narratives, teaching, and parables of Jesus.

upcoming class

Exploring the Bible

5 Sessions 
March 13, 20, 27, April 3, 10
Sundays | 12:15p-1:45p 
Chad & Charity Peterson
Lunch & Childcare provided
If you are new to the Bible or Crossway and would like to connect deeper to God and others, then this class is for you.  Over a relaxed lunch after church, explore key passages from Scripture to better understand what Christianity is all about and how to read and understand the Bible for yourself.  Lunch and childcare are provided but register early as capacity is limited! If you have difficulty registering, please contact Jenny Andrus at

upcoming class

The Disciple-Making Parent

March 18 & 19
Friday & Saturday
Chap Bettis
$40 per couple | $30 for individuals | Limited childcare will be available. 
Join us for The Disciple Making Parent Conference with author Chap Bettis.  Registration coming soon!

upcoming class

Learning from C.S. Lewis

2 Sessions 
May 4 & 11
Wednesdays | 6:30-8:00p
Justin Denney
In-person only
C.S. Lewis is one of the most important Christian writers of the last 100 years. In this class, we’ll read and discuss some of Lewis’ writings which stir the soul and enlighten the mind. This is offered as a follow up to Dr. Joe Rigney’s Friday Forum on April 29th (see below). 

upcoming class

God's Word to his worried people

2 Sessions 
June 8 & 15
Wednesdays | 6:30-8:00p
Dr. David Finkbeiner
In-person only
In a world with real trouble beyond our control, we all face fears and worries. Many voices promise deliverance from our anxieties, but only one voice offers true comfort and hope: God’s. Whether you want help to address your own worries and fears or to encourage others, join us in June for a two-week series to hear what God says to his worried people. 

friday forum
April 29, 2022

C.S. Lewis on the Christian LIfe


The writings of C.S. Lewis have influenced countless Christians over the course of many decades, offering readers intellectually satisfying answers to life’s biggest questions and challenging them to walk in faith and obedience. Mining popular titles such as Mere Christianity, The Chronicles of Narnia, and others, Dr. Joe Rigney, president of Bethlehem College & Seminary, will show us the relevance of Lewis’ insights to our lives with God today. All are welcome. Only registration for childcare is required and ends April 22nd. 

friday forum
September 24, 2021

Biblical Justice & Critical Race Theory

Pastor Mike Bullmore


God has called his people to “do justice” (Micah 6:8).  “Justice” is also a rallying cry in our culture, especially in matters of race. But are we all using this word in the same way? Join us as Pastor Mike Bullmore examines both the Bible’s teaching and the claims of Critical Race Theory to help us navigate issues of justice with the wisdom of God. Register for childcare by September 17th.  

friday forum
march 12, 2021


Justin Denney

What do Gatorade commercials, library books, LGBT messaging and pop music have in common? They are telling us who we are as humans: our identity. How does modern identity show up in our world and how does it relate to the gospel?