One Service at 10:00a on January 1.

May 2024

May 2024

LiNK: May 2024

Something Fun

For the first time ever, more people got connected to Gospel Communities organically through you and members of your Gospel Community than a formal Sunday invitation! This is an encouraging indicator of broad ownership and the the members of the body engaging in the work of ministry. 

Something to Consider

Right around now, most Gospel Communities close down the Spring semester of meetings and transition to a different rhythm for the summer. I encourage all Gospel Community leaders to find ways to rest over the summer. One key way you can rest is by delegating responsibilities for your Gospel Community related gatherings to someone else in the group.

Also, if you haven't yet had your last meeting for the Spring, I encourage you to mark the end of the ministry year in one way or another. Ideas include:

- Sharing a meal together
- Praying together and thanking God for what he did this past year
- Making a slideshow of pictures that captured the last year together
- Speaking words of encouragement to one another for what God did through one another

Something Ahead

We'll take a break from the regular Discussion Questions for the summer. If your group is still meeting, check out the Swedish Method for discussion below.
As you make plans for the upcoming ministry year, look to get the following dates on your calendar. The following are required for all leaders:

  • Leader Launch: Friday, September 6, 6:30-8:30p
  • Leader Login: Sunday, January 5, 9:45-10:30a
  • Leader Landing: Friday, May 9, 6:30-8:45p (childcare provided)

A Random Picture

Found this gem, circa 2006, of one of our leaders, Gary Lewis!